"We all tend to reduce reality to symbols, but Superman went out a long time ago. The way you accomplish anything significant is with a team."
"We all tend to reduce reality to symbols, but Superman went out a long time ago. The way you accomplish anything significant is with a team."

bernaozdemirkanBerna Özdemirkan

Hi! I was born in Istanbul in 1978. My father, a soldier and my mother, a teacher equipped me with values of integrity, honesty and ethics that I would never compromise. My family and my home country are very important to me. I spent 7 years, the longest part of my education, at VKV Koç High School. Here I added to my values being hardworking, sociable, enterprising and brave. In 2000, I received my bachelor’s degree as a high honor student at Eastern Mediterranean University, in Business Administration (English) that I had entered with a full scholarship. During my studies, I was sure of one thing: I was going to work in Human Resources. You know “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” 🙂

I started my career at Strateji Mori Research Company. I was lucky enough to experience every step of a research project from the field survey to the presentation of the results. In 2002 when my company was acquired by GfK, I continued to work for GfK. I managed hundreds of projects by 2014. One of the most challenging and enjoyable projects for me was Koç Group companies’ research and evaluation of working life. I would like to add that they made me proud as a Koç alumni. I co-founded the Pin Research in August 2014. Within 5 years there, we created new research models and gained new experience with new friends.

Then my ambitions, values and principles made it clear to me that it was time to follow a different path. So here I am! Now we, me as the founder and my team, at Mia Research continue learning employee opinions either via surveys or by listening, and helping companies determine the right actions to create happy working environment.

I really love my job, it would mean the world to me if I could make a difference in one employee’s life. Happier employees mean happier people and therefore a happier world!


guneskabaagasvarolGüneş Kabaağaç Varol

Hello! I was born in Istanbul in 1988 but if you would ask about my true origins, my father is from Afyon and my mother is from Antep.

I attended Eyüboğlu College for my primary, middle and high school education. All these years my biggest passion was mathematics. I always wanted to leave no question unanswered. Nobody likes exams but I would be so happy when there was a Math exam and could not wait for the results to be announced. Naturally this passion of mine played its part when it came to choosing a branch for university and I graduated from the Statistics Department at Yıldız Technical University in 2010.

An idealist statistics graduate would surely work at market research industry. Therefore my adventure as a market researcher began in September 2010 at GfK Research. For 4 years I carried out all kinds of research projects like Employee Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, Mystery Shopper, Brand Image, Usage and Attitude. I worked in every field like customer management, project organization, questionnaire design, data analysis, reporting and presentation. After a while sales became a part of my job and I participated in both customer visits and guided the brands through marketing strategies by interpreting the survey results.

After my 4 years of research adventure I realized that what made me happiest was to be able to carry out the Employee Surveys, make a difference in employee lives, listen to their concerns and help them speak up.

Being proud to have been enabling more than 200,000 employees to speak up since 2014, I am moving forwards in this path.


dilanavciDilan Avcı

Merhaba! 1994 yılında Samsun’da doğdum. Lise eğitimimi Samsun Anadolu Lisesi’nde tamamladım. Türkiye’nin ilk 6 maarif kolejinden birinde okumak bir Samsunlu olarak benim için de büyük bir onurdu. Daha sonra lisans eğitimim için Ankara’ya taşındım. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İstatistik bölümünde lisans eğitimimi tamamladım. Matematiğe olan sevgimin yanında annem ile meslektaş olacak olmanın verdiği heyecanın İstatistik bölümünü seçmeme sebep olduğunu söyleyebilirim.

Lisans eğitimimi tamamladığım yaz Ankara’da yeni kurulmakta olan Tandans Veri Bilim Danışmanlığı firmasında işe başladım. Okuldan yeni mezun olmuşken daha yeni kurulmakta olan bir firmayla sektöre atılmak heyecan vericiydi. Her biten projede şirketle beraber büyüyor ve gelişiyor olmak bana çok şey kazandırdı.

İş hayatımda bana fayda sağlayacak bakış açıları kazanmak için farklı bir alanda yüksek lisans yapmaya karar verdim. Yine Hacettepe Üniversitesi’nde MBA-İşletme yüksek lisansımı tamamladım. Bu süreçte de çalışma hayatıma devam ederken Türkiye’nin 7 bölgesinde yaklaşık 20 ile giderek bu illerde yürütülen pazar araştırmaları, sosyal etki araştırmaları, roman halkı, mülteciler ve dezavantajlı gruplarla sosyal araştırmalar gibi pek çok uluslararası projenin hem kantitatif hem de kalitatif alanlarında görev aldım. 3 sene çalıştığım bu şirketten 2018 yılında ayrılarak Samsun’a döndüm.

Samsun’da tütün ürünleri satış ve dağıtımını yapan bir firmada planlama departmanında işe başladım. Kısa bir süre burada çalıştıktan sonra asıl yapmak istediğim işin planlama olmadığını fark edip yeni iş arayışına girdim. Böylece yolum Borsan Kablo firmasıyla kesişti ve veri analisti olarak çalışmaya başladım. Yaklaşık 2 sene süren bir serüvenden sonra başka bir şehre taşınmam sebebiyle işimden ayrıldım.

Şimdi ise çalışanların hayatında bir şeyleri değiştirme ve geliştirme umuduyla adım attığım bu yeni dünyanın bana kazandıracakları için çok heyecanlıyım.


Berna Özdemirkan

Hi! I was born in Istanbul in 1978. My father, a soldier and my mother, a teacher equipped me with values of integrity, honesty and ethics that I would never compromise. My family and my home country are very important to me. I spent 7 years, the longest part of my education, at VKV Koç High School. Here I added to my values being hardworking, sociable, enterprising and brave. In 2000, I received my bachelor’s degree as a high honor student at Eastern Mediterranean University, in Business Administration (English) that I had entered with a full scholarship. During my studies, I was sure of one thing: I was going to work in Human Resources. You know “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” 🙂

I started my career at Strateji Mori Research Company. I was lucky enough to experience every step of a research project from the field survey to the presentation of the results. In 2002 when my company was acquired by GfK, I continued to work for GfK. I managed hundreds of projects by 2014. One of the most challenging and enjoyable projects for me was Koç Group companies’ research and evaluation of working life. I would like to add that they made me proud as a Koç alumni. I co-founded the Pin Research in August 2014. Within 5 years there, we created new research models and gained new experience with new friends.

Then my ambitions, values and principles made it clear to me that it was time to follow a different path. So here I am! Now we, me as the founder and my team, at Mia Research continue learning employee opinions either via surveys or by listening, and helping companies determine the right actions to create happy working environment.

I really love my job, it would mean the world to me if I could make a difference in one employee’s life. Happier employees mean happier people and therefore a happier world!



Güneş Kabaağaç Varol

Hello! I was born in Istanbul in 1988 but if you would ask about my true origins, my father is from Afyon and my mother is from Antep.

I attended Eyüboğlu College for my primary, middle and high school education. All these years my biggest passion was mathematics. I always wanted to leave no question unanswered. Nobody likes exams but I would be so happy when there was a Math exam and could not wait for the results to be announced. Naturally this passion of mine played its part when it came to choosing a branch for university and I graduated from the Statistics Department at Yıldız Technical University in 2010.

An idealist statistics graduate would surely work at market research industry. Therefore my adventure as a market researcher began in September 2010 at GfK Research. For 4 years I carried out all kinds of research projects like Employee Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, Mystery Shopper, Brand Image, Usage and Attitude. I worked in every field like customer management, project organization, questionnaire design, data analysis, reporting and presentation. After a while sales became a part of my job and I participated in both customer visits and guided the brands through marketing strategies by interpreting the survey results.

After my 4 years of research adventure I realized that what made me happiest was to be able to carry out the Employee Surveys, make a difference in employee lives, listen to their concerns and help them speak up.

Being proud to have been enabling more than 200,000 employees to speak up since 2014, I am moving forwards in this path.



Dilan Avcı

Merhaba! 1994 yılında Samsun’da doğdum. Lise eğitimimi Samsun Anadolu Lisesi’nde tamamladım. Türkiye’nin ilk 6 maarif kolejinden birinde okumak bir Samsunlu olarak benim için de büyük bir onurdu. Daha sonra lisans eğitimim için Ankara’ya taşındım. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İstatistik bölümünde lisans eğitimimi tamamladım. Matematiğe olan sevgimin yanında annem ile meslektaş olacak olmanın verdiği heyecanın İstatistik bölümünü seçmeme sebep olduğunu söyleyebilirim.

Lisans eğitimimi tamamladığım yaz Ankara’da yeni kurulmakta olan Tandans Veri Bilim Danışmanlığı firmasında işe başladım. Okuldan yeni mezun olmuşken daha yeni kurulmakta olan bir firmayla sektöre atılmak heyecan vericiydi. Her biten projede şirketle beraber büyüyor ve gelişiyor olmak bana çok şey kazandırdı.

İş hayatımda bana fayda sağlayacak bakış açıları kazanmak için farklı bir alanda yüksek lisans yapmaya karar verdim. Yine Hacettepe Üniversitesi’nde MBA-İşletme yüksek lisansımı tamamladım. Bu süreçte de çalışma hayatıma devam ederken Türkiye’nin 7 bölgesinde yaklaşık 20 ile giderek bu illerde yürütülen pazar araştırmaları, sosyal etki araştırmaları, roman halkı, mülteciler ve dezavantajlı gruplarla sosyal araştırmalar gibi pek çok uluslararası projenin hem kantitatif hem de kalitatif alanlarında görev aldım. 3 sene çalıştığım bu şirketten 2018 yılında ayrılarak Samsun’a döndüm.

Samsun’da tütün ürünleri satış ve dağıtımını yapan bir firmada planlama departmanında işe başladım. Kısa bir süre burada çalıştıktan sonra asıl yapmak istediğim işin planlama olmadığını fark edip yeni iş arayışına girdim. Böylece yolum Borsan Kablo firmasıyla kesişti ve veri analisti olarak çalışmaya başladım. Yaklaşık 2 sene süren bir serüvenden sonra başka bir şehre taşınmam sebebiyle işimden ayrıldım.

Şimdi ise çalışanların hayatında bir şeyleri değiştirme ve geliştirme umuduyla adım attığım bu yeni dünyanın bana kazandıracakları için çok heyecanlıyım.